Monday, September 26, 2016

National Style

The national style for the nineteenth century I feel was very all over in the place. There is no dominanat style really due to the fact that the concept of modernism was beginning. All the different designers and artitects were trying to figure out what elements and aspects of other eras such as, the romans, the greeks, the french, the english, and palladian era. It was almost a race to who would be the king of modernism, who would influence others the most through their designs. I found Wright's work in particular very influential even into today's century. All this mixture of creativity and designs eventually brought our national style. Our national style acted somewhat as a branding piece of our country. By mixing elements and principles from other places, it all, with time, blended together to make our own unique national style along with the formation of our country.
In time of the civil war, the national style was less speratic and more cookie cutter, really copying and taking many styles away from the English and French. Most homes looked the same, practially identical during this era. It was after the war when creativity began to flow and designers started looking to other places for inspiration. As the industrial revolution came along, many designers looked more into practicality rather than large colonial pieces. Bay windows and skyscarpers are just some pieces that became very popular as the cities began to grow into what they are today. 
With the 21st century, I believe modernism is very present when discussing our national style. This is a photo of the rock and roll hall of fame in Cleveland, Ohio. With it's location right on the lake, it uses many elements and principles including the texture from the water in comparsion to the smoothness of the all glass atrium. I think this is one of the most amazing artitectureal pieces in Cleveland and really represents modernism in our national style.

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