Wednesday, September 14, 2016

I found this unit very interesting as a very uneduacted student on interior design as a whole. Elements and prinicples are everywhere around us even if we don't initially realize it. All the buildings around campus have many examples of line, light, color, rhythm, proportion, just to name a few. The engineering courtyard is a beautiful space with lots of emphasis on red brick not only on the buildings, but also in the walkway space. Another example I've been fortunate enough to see in person is the Sydney Opera House. Many don't know there is actually a pattern on the eggshell like arches, along with exquisite wood work and use of large windows. I truly believe that any design can be annotated and torn apart by viewing the principles and elements. Doing so brings clarity to the viewer and gets them one step closer to understanding the background and vision of the designer. I find it fascinating that designers make such a harmonious piece of art by perfecly blending and manipulating the elements through design principles. An example of this is actually a hospital near my home. Ahuja Medical Center is a branch off of University Hosiptals who actually has very modern, well-designed buildings all over northeast Ohio. A final example that really comes to mind is Heinen's, a grocery store, located in downtown Cleveland. You would normally think grocery stores are pretty drab in appearance and you go there for one reason and leave. This grocery store was designed not only for functionality, but to expose the customer to an aesthetic experience by renovating the Cleveland Trust Building. I've lived in Cleveland my whole life and didn't realize how prominent these design principles and elements were in everything around me. I hope to travel as much as I can and only further my appreciation towards design.

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